Thursday, November 22, 2007


Remember my 2007 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt in Halloween? I received so many IMs telling me that they miss the hunt but fall in love with the sets I placed for the hunt. So I selected few that can suit Gothic look & place out as few sets for sell in main stores. Sure they are NO MORE at $25L but in regular price. Here are the Sets & jewelries I selected:-

:- Black metal or Platinum with flexi parts for both necklace & earrings

TRUE LOVE - Necklace earring sets/ Bracelet/ Tiara (will have more colour in the future)

BLACK WILLOW - Necklace earring sets/ Tiara (will have more colour in the future)

They are all now available at Underground floor & 2nd & 3rdfloor level of Alienbear Design, Bratz. Love Gold? I placed the Antique gold version at Underground floor & 1st & 2nd floor level of BijouxOr Design, Bratz.