NOT FOR SALE just for sharing the picture of my artpieces to you.
This was my early Feb 2009 custom engagement ring design for my friend Dancer Dallagio. If you know Stiletto Moody Shoes, you will be familiar with this name ^^ This ring if crafted by regular prims with no scuplties including.
Story behind design:-
The teardrop in the middle represent her. Lady= tears. It gather many kind of tears~ happy, sad, happiness, anger, love, sweet.. etc all the memory between she & he. The curve pattern besides represent his hands. He use his hands to protect her. The round diamond on the top means "you are the only one in my life". AT the side of the ring (left botton corner), there is a "D" and a "J" that is the first letter of she & he. The middle heart with one diamond means his and her heart already link together to form one & only one. He & she will love each other forever after.
The overall meaning of this ring is .... He will be the protector of she in his whole life. They will share their happiness, love, tears, all memory together in their new stage of life. Their love will be last forever just like diamond.. eternity.
Congratulations Dancer and her fiance. Hope you enjoy this special ring I designed for you .