After Apr/May luckychair gifts, I 've been so busy in rl & sl. So many Alienbear design fans keep asking me when will I make the new luckychair gifts. & yes the 5 lucky chairs gifts in Alienbear Design main store finally ready in this month!!!
This lucky chair gifts are a very gorgeous Queen Heidi white set with Crown, necklace, earrings, bracelet & ... RING!! So many of my fans keep pushing me to make rings since 2005 but I never have confident to make any. But now I give a try! & make this special & gorgeous ring! You can go to My personal blog (Ring front view/ Ring side view)to check the close up view of this ring! In my previous Lucky Chair gifts, I never have any Crown or ring as gifts so this is so worth to collect this elegant set.
You never can collect the full set? No worry, Same as one in April/May, I will have the full set in the mob ven with starting price $2000L , More friend you bring to the front of the mobVen, More lower will be the price of this set. The lowest price of it will be $299L!!
It will be placed in main castle from today to 30 Sept 2007. Same as all my previous lucky chair gifts, they are:-
- not for sell now or in the future
- transferable
- just can be collect from the luckychair Or buy from mobven.
Other 7 chairs in gold line & kid line will be update soon, so keep checking my design blogs or check my inworld update group for any future release!
Get ready now! & go to Alienbear Design main store to find all 5 chairs & collect this full set NOW!!