Alienbear's designs & Sparkle Skye Designs join together to give supprise to both our lovely group members! The $50L weeks! In matching her first 3 week Starla Series, I change the gems & the metal of my Magnolia necklace & earrings set. & set it as $50L for members only! It will back to normal price ($350L) after 28 Feb 2010. Since it is discount items, it is COPY only.
In the same time, Sparkle Skye is going to release the Starla Series in this 3 weeks which already started in last 14 Feb 2010. First week she released the 3 sets of Salsa Series for her group members (Sparkle Skye Designs group) in using a great discount price $50L to buy each of her sets. This will back to the normal price in 21 Feb 2010. She is going to release another 2 set of Salsa in the coming 2 weeks. Join Sparkle Skye Designs group now & use this super discount price $50L to buy each of her Starla Series now! They will back to normal price soon! Hurry join her group & use that Starla series to match my Magnolia necklace & earrings set.
For this Magnolia special set, Join "Alienbear Design & Le' Cameo Lovers", Wear your group tag & then go to Member Discount Shop . Pay $50L to the poster to get it.