These King & Queen Crown are designed for the Charity auction held by the Designer in Seduction RFL team in help raising fund for the American Cancer Society. They are both one of the kind. Yes JUST ONE & ONLY ONE!
I get the inspirations from the UK Royal crowns. The top symbol "star with moon" is the symbol of the RELAY FOR LIFE. If you remember my Princess Carita Set that design for this RFL too, you will find that the base of this crown design is in the similar patterns. "Cross" represent the "Jesus' love". A Cross in between the flying heart just imply "the love of all people around the world join together to share their love to the Cancer patient & their family".
This crown will be auction out at:-
Event:- High School Prom Party
Time:- 15 June 2008 , Sunday 5pm sl time (DEFER TO 22 JUNE 2008)
location:- Memory Lane High School
All can join this event and the highest bid will get these crowns! WHO WILL BE THE PROM QUEEN & KING?
Apart from my crowns, another designers designed another crown for the Sat 3pm Prom too. Don't miss the party!
By the way, Don't miss the last chance to donate to get the Limited Edition set Princess Carita RFL Limited Set . It will be there till 20 June 2008.
Where to donate?
In between Alienbear Design & BijouxOr design main stores
I also donate my Miss SL Universe Memento Black Set to this RFL too. During this period till 21 June 2008, all money raise from this set will be donate to this event too.
Where to donate?
Alienbear Design main store, G/F