So exciting! Did you get all our first THREE LUCK from me & Sparkle Skye?! (check here)Yes, the final is coming!!
When will it release?
17 Mar2008 0:00
When will it end?
My gift:- 17 MAr 2008 11:59pm
Sparkle gift:- to be confirmed, please check Sparkle Skye Designs blog
My gifts:- Shamrock Princess Crown & ring!
Sparkle gifts:- HUNTING! yes group member hunting at her shop. details please check Sparkle Skye Designs blog
How to get/ join?
On 17 March 2008, you:-
- just join "Alienbear Design & Le' Cameo Lovers", Wear your group tag & then go to Member Discount Shop now & you can use $1L to buy each of these final gift!
(to join your can search group in sl OR go to click the join group board at here & it will automatically open the group for you to join )
-- just join Sparkle Skye designs, wear your group tag & then go to & Sparkle Skye Main shop to do the hunting. (details to be confirmed & just check Sparkle Skye Designs blog .
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Wish you will be LUCKY in this year!