Mayur is a set that specially designed for AVENUE Charity show "For the Love of McQueen" (28 Feb 2010) & Charity sale month in March 2010. I am one of the 38 designers who come together to lend our support in creating a design that is inspired by Alexander McQueen's work and spirit.

My friend Agnes Finney, owner of My Precious join this event also. So we join together to design these Mayur series. I designed this Mayur necklace / Earrings & bracelets in matching her dress. By inspirating from Agnes's dress & Alexender McQueen fall 2008 show 's jewelries, I finally comes up this necklace design.

In Alexender McQueen fall 2008 show , I found that he love to use huge & fancy style of jewelry. Seems like to cross over with India & royal England style. Therefore I use dark metal to outline the royal jewelry pattern on the neck. Since Agnes dress is in white & black. So I select black gemstones for this necklace design. In matching the peacock feather pattern on the dress, I use black teardrop gemstones in designing the peacock feather in this necklace. To make it more balance & more look like a peacock on the neck, I add some teardrops at the side and make it look like the peacock flares out its feathers when it is trying to get the female's attention. McQueen fashion do attract many ladies in the fashion industry. Just like peacock flaring out its feathers, this beauty will be in his fans' memory forever even it is just a short period.
Due to prims limit, this necklace has to be attached to 2 parts of body. and because of this, This necklace can be wear in two styles. In matching this necklace, I designed the matching earrings & bracelets.

Where to buy? main shop
When? These original designs created within a week, will be showcased in a fashion show on 28th February 2010 at 12 pm SLT on GOLden shopping sim after which the designs will be available for sale at the my store for the month of March. 100% of the sales proceeds will be donated to the charity, Keep A Child Alive, since Alexander McQueen was a known supporter of similar AIDS / HIV charities.