Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wedding Rings Victoria, Veronica & Vicki

Now available in UG/F, Alienbear Design Main Store, Le'Bear Castle

Wedding Ring Celestial

Yes I start making wedding ring! Well I start making rings for lady first. This Celestial Ring is designed to match the Celestial Bride Set & the Bridesmaid set. The white pearl & the diamond star are the main design of this ring. with the 2 draping part , it makes the ring more royal, more elegant. Your Lover sure will say "I do" if you get this special & royal ring for her.

Now available in UG/F, Alienbear Design Main Store, Le'Bear Castle.

Pearls & Diamond stars forehead tiara

To match my Celestial Bride Set & the Bridesmaid set, I design this simple forehead tiara for both Platinum & Dark sets. With a Pearl in the middle & with many tiny little stars hanging around your forehead. All the little diamonds stars are crafted by primary prim work, yes 1 stars have 10prims. With tiny controllable sparkling, this make you like a princess.

Now available in 3/F, Alienbear Design Main Store, Le'Bear Castle.