This necklace imply the Queen of the butterfly in the gardens. The butterfly queen flying around in the garden with sparkling tails holding the "sparking tear gem" representing the royality. This necklace can wear in two styles. The simple style imply this butterfly queen born with the royality blood when she was a butterfly cocoon. She is destined to be the queen of the gardens, the forests....

How to get it?
In 2009 , My Precious keep selecting one monthly princess per month. The selected 12 princess from the monthly Princess contest of "My Precious" in 2009 will have chance to win this Queen of my Precious crown in Jan 2010. Don't know this pregant? Still have 2 months for you to join. Details please contact the owner of "My precious" Agnes Finney or her staff Xenobia Foxclaw. Or just check information from My Precious main shop notice board.
To be continous...