These are my little presents to you my lovely update group members in thank you for being with us when I was away from SL!
Many curious why I didn't release anything since May 2009. I was busy in helping my rl friend's wedding and then in 15 June 2009, our family suddenly have a new member. That make me more busy in taking care with this new born kitten whose mom cat not really taking care of. I am so happy that he finally back to healthy in his 3 months old!!! Who is he? He is Cyrus!! After my short Vacation, I am now BACK!
To share my happy with you guys, I designed a kitty pearls necklace and earring set for my lovely VIP members.

Well same as all my previous member gifts. Just designed for my members who join my VIP groups "Alienbear's Design & Le'Cameo lovers" . Not for sale now or in the future.
Permission:- COPY only
How to get these Member gift?
Join "Alienbear Design & Le' Cameo Lovers", Wear your group tag & then go to Member Discount Shop . Touch the poster to get.
Enjoy :))