I started designing special lucky chair gift jewels in every big season since Sept 2006. All are my original designs that crafting by tiny prims. (no Sculpties/ alpha texture including but just tiny primswork.) Every pieces have their stories....
Until Dec 2007, I temperory stop designing any more lucky chair special gifts due to stressful life. I remembered the days when many people come & waiting for my special LC designs every time when I released something new. It was such a great memory!!!
To celebrating my 4th Christmas being in SL, I placed back ALL my entire luckychairs jewels and few mobVen jewels designs in SIX chairs!!! Over 60 jewels prize waiting for you to collect! They are all transferable so you can gift yourself as a collections or your friends as a holiday big gifts!!
Now till 1st Jan 2009
What gifts inside?!

1> Santa Lucky Chair (Christmas)
2> Lucky Chair 001 (Platinum)
3> Lucky Chair 002 (Platinum)
4> Lucky Chair 003 (Gold)
5> Lucky Chair 004 (Gold)
6> Lucky Chair 005 (kid)
Bring your Lucky chair team to ALienbear's Design , Bratz now and collect them all!
Don't forget our 20%- 50% off annual sale still running!!!! Do a crazy shopping at five lines of Alienbear's Designs now! Be the most Alienbear's Designs jewelries collector in SL!!!!